I am looking at how to better handle relationships between Part and CAD Documents when you Revise.
In this discussion, I would like to propose an enhancement to this use case:
Set Up:
- You have your CAD Documents related to a Part using some kind of build rule: Owner, Contributing Image, Image or Contributing Content.
- You have a use case to Revise the Part and 0 to (N-1) of the build associated CAD Documents
- e.g.
- You have multiple CAD Documents describing the Part (e.g. model, drawing, manufacturing); but you only want to revise one of the deliverables (e.g. manufacturing model)
- You have made a change to info on the Part not communicated to CAD (e.g. Option choices, Attributes like Cost/material). These types of changes may require the Part to be Revised before check out/in; but since the information is not set in the CAD Document, you do not revise it.
- You add/remove/change other related documents (e.g. specification, marketing info) and these changes may require the Part to be Revised before iterating it with new content.
- e.g.
- In all of these circumstances, you end up having a single CAD Document version that has a build type of association to two Part Revisions:
- e.g.
- USE CASE 1 - Revise Part and Drawing
- You revise the Part and its drawing:
- BOLT A.10 (Design)
- bolt.prt A.10 Owner
- bolt.drw A.15 Content
- Revise
- BOLT A (Design) --> B (Design)
- bolt.drw A --> B
- BOLT A.10 (Design)
- BOLT A.10 (Design)
- bolt.prt A.10 Owner
- bolt.drw A.15 Content
- BOLT B.1 (Design)
- bolt.prt A.10 Owner
- bolt.drw B.1 Content
- If this is still early enough such that you can check out/in bolt.prt without revising, then the system will try to iterate and build BOTH BOLT A.10 and BOLT B.1
- You revise the Part and its drawing:
- USE CASE 2 - Multiple CAD Files:
- You have a flexible component, spring.prt with different CAD representations: spring_ext.prt and spring_collapsed.prt
- All are related to same WTpart:
SPRING A.1 (Design)- spring.prt A.1 Owner
- spring_ext.prt A.1 Image
- spring_colllapsed.prt A.1 Image
- You now decide you need to revise the spring; but your process does not require the flexible components to be revised as well:
- Revise
- SPRING A (Design) --> B (Design)
- spring.prt A --> B
SPRING A.1 (Design)
- spring.prt A.1 Owner
- spring_ext.prt A.1 Image
- spring_colllapsed.prt A.1 Image
- SPRING B.1 (Design)
- spring.prt B.1 Owner
- spring_ext.prt A.1 Image
- spring_colllapsed.prt A.1 Image
- Revise
- Now a user opens spring_ext.prt in Creo, which has inheritance feature. If s/he checks it out/in, then the system will try to build both SPRING A.1 and SPRING B.1
- USE CASE 3 - Multiple Files CAD and Not CAD
- In the system, the user has:
- (Part) WIDGET A.10 (Design)
- (CAD Doc) widget.prt A.10 Owner
- (CAD Doc) widget.drw A.8 Content
- (Doc) Widget Spec A.6 Describes
- Now a PDM user needs to:
- Revise WIDGET
- Revise the Mfg Spec with new plan and price
- Add a test plan
- User revises:
- WIDGET A (Design) --> B (Design)
- (doc) Widget Spec A --> B
- User then checks out B.1 (Design) and adds new doc, widget test plan A.1
- (Part) WIDGET A.10 (Design)
- (CAD Doc) widget.prt A.10 Owner
- (CAD Doc) widget.drw A.8 Content
- (Doc) Widget Spec A.6 Describes
- (Part) WIDGET B.1 (Design)
- (CAD Doc) widget.prt A.10 Owner
- (CAD Doc) widget.drw A.8 Content
- (Doc) Widget Spec B.1 Describes
- (Doc) widget test plan A.1 Describes
- If widget.prt is checked out/in it will try to build WIDGET A (Design) as well as B(Design)
- USE CASE 1 - Revise Part and Drawing
- e.g.
Change the system to only build the LATEST Part revision.
Any thoughts?
Anyone have a use case where building ONLY latest Part revision would NOT be good?