Hi All,
I'm trying to configure an Agent for Creo 2.0 on a Windchill 10.2 monolithic install. I'm failing.
I've completed the set up using proe2pv_config and ended up with a proe_setup folder that contains a number of batch files that proe2pv_config generated.#
I then go into WC10.2 Worker Agent Administration to configure the new worker. This is where I get lost and confused.
I tell it the server name
I tell it the DATATYPE (I've selected PROE)
Worker Location
I tell it where the server is. (The Windchill server)
Worker Execution Command
I'm not too clear about this... I've told it the following;
'C:\ptc\creo_view_adapters\proe_setup\proeworker.bat' (This is where proe2pv_config created the bat file)
I apply the settings, save the file & Return to the Worker Agent Admin screen.
I see the new Agent in the list, Fab! but the Status is "Fails to Start". The flag under Actions is White & the tooltip states; "Executable not Safe".
Additionally the methodserver log has the following entry;
ERROR : wt.wvs.workeragent.ShapeType - Refused to start worker ukbas1wcs2-PROE:1, exe does not match any of the trusted prefixes
Can anyone shed any light on where I might be going wrong?
Many thanks!