I'm trying to learn how to set up OIRs and I ran into a problem.
I'm setting up a Part subtype, Vendor Part, with a standard soft attribute acme.vendor.VendorPartComment as a multi-line string. I want the new part wizard to display "No comments yet." by default.
Currently, my OIR for the Vendor Part contains the following pertaining to the comments:
<AttrValue id="acme.vendor.VendorPartComments" algorithm="wt.rule.algorithm.StringConstant">
<Arg>No comments yet.</Arg>
<AttrConstraint id="acme.vendor.VendorPartComments" algorithm="com.ptc.core.rule.server.impl.GatherAttributeConstraints">
<Value algorithm="com.ptc.core.rule.server.impl.GetServerPreGeneratedValue"/>
I'm using the same logic for the part name, and the wizard is displaying a default name correctly, but not this comment. The only difference between the two that I see is that the comment is displayed as a multi-line string vs a single-line string for the name.
Furthermore, the "No comments yet." appears after I create a vendor part, just not in the creation wizard.
Any suggestions?