Hello ,
I created workflow, which need to execute when EPMDocument checked in from PROE. I set Workflow in INWORK state of EPMDocument lifecycle.
I added synchronize robot on CHECKIN event of EPMDocument in workflow immediately after START , I added below code in synchronize robot that if EPMDocument path doesn't contain EPMDocument creator name then only proceed workflow .
However the workflow executes when I click SAVE & UPLOAD the Drawing in PROE, rather It should be executed when I click CHECK IN the Drawing.
So When I click CHECKIN , workflow doesn't execute Synchronize robot because it already executed ...
Does anybody have idea about How I can solve this issue?
primaryBusinessObject is EPMDocument
if ( primaryBusinessObject != null ) {
String stringCreator = ( (wt.epm.EPMDocument) primaryBusinessObject ).getCreatorName() ;
String stringForlderPath = ( (wt.epm.EPMDocument) primaryBusinessObject ).getFolderPath() ;
if( ! stringForlderPath.contains( stringCreator ) ) {
result = "ok";