I am having trouble with the as stored vs the latest configurations in windchill. During the design phase I use the latest configuration to perform design changes and work on drawings. The problem arises after the drawings have been created and checked in. If I need to then make a modification to the model and then I check it in, the as stored and latest are no longer in sync. This is understandable because the model now does not match what was last stored in the drawing. However, now when I check out the "Latest" version of the drawing and make the corresponding updates and check it back in, it would seem that the "As Stored" would now be the same as the Latest, because I just checked it in with all the latest revisions, but this is not the case, it remains out of sync. We find that we have to check out the as stored version of the drawing, update the workspace with the latest revisions, then open the drawing making a random unnecessary change in order to be able to save it and then check it back in. Then and only then do the as stored and the latest match which is a requirement to be able to "release" the drawing. This all seems like unnecessary and time consuming. Is there a way to more simply sync the As Stored with the latest, preferably without the need to plus the version of the model or drawing. Thank you in advance for your help.