Hi All,
I am trying to download the content of WTDocument.
In Program i am getting
WARNING: The ManagerService is not initialized! This can be caused by:
1) Attempting to invoke a server only method from a remote client
2) Attempting to invoke a method on a service from the constructor or static initializer of another service
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at ext.test.ExportWTDocumentNew.extractContent(ExportWTDocumentNew.java:90)
at ext.test.ExportWTDocumentNew.main(ExportWTDocumentNew.java:52)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at wt.content.ContentServerHelper.<clinit>(ContentServerHelper.java:62)
... 2 more
My Program is as Below, Please help me out.
import wt.doc.WTDocument;
import wt.fc.PersistenceHelper;
import wt.fc.QueryResult;
import wt.httpgw.GatewayAuthenticator;
import wt.method.RemoteMethodServer;
import wt.query.QueryException;
import wt.query.QuerySpec;
import wt.util.WTException;
public class ExportWTDocumentNew {
* @param args
* @throws WTException
public static void main(String[] args) throws WTException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
System.out.println("Program to Extarct the Content of WTDocument");
System.out.println("Provide the Output folder path");
String output = "C:\\abc\\Log\\test";
System.out.println("Given Output Directory is :: "+output);
RemoteMethodServer rms = RemoteMethodServer.getDefault();
GatewayAuthenticator auth = new GatewayAuthenticator();
System.out.println("Auth is done..");
WTDocument wtdoc= null;
QuerySpec qs = new QuerySpec(WTDocument.class);
QueryResult qr = PersistenceHelper.manager.find(qs);
System.out.println("Inside the While loop");
wtdoc = (WTDocument)qr.nextElement();
extractContent(wtdoc, output);
private static void extractContent( WTDocument wtDoc, String outputDir )
String errorMessage = "";
wt.content.ContentHolder syHold = null;
syHold = (wt.doc.WTDocument)wt.content.ContentHelper.service.getContents(((wt.content.ContentHolder)wtDoc));
System.out.println("Value of syHold:: "+syHold);
java.util.Vector vectorOfAppData = wt.content.ContentHelper.getContentListAll( syHold );
if( vectorOfAppData != null)
java.util.Iterator appIter = vectorOfAppData.iterator();
while (appIter.hasNext())
wt.content.ApplicationData syAppData = (wt.content.ApplicationData)(appIter.next());
String docName = syAppData.getFileName();
long fileSize = syAppData.getFileSize();
String syContentFileName = outputDir + ((outputDir.endsWith("\\")) ? docName : "\\" + docName);
// Save the content file to disk on the Windchill server
wt.content.ContentServerHelper.service.writeContentStream(syAppData, syContentFileName);
errorMessage = "--> This primary business object has no primary content file. No file extracted.";
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("--> WTException");