Hello everybody, sorry for my bad english.
My question is about business administration and customization of promotion request process.
I need to create promotion request for approve process by six or more teams at one time. The problem is to create parallel process and routing in template.
I can create such simple template
This process first of all creates task to a leader who choose a team members, at the second time it creates tasks to a choosen team members.
Approvers can choose approve, reject or rework - the problem is:
1) to rework promoting objects author will wait to the end of desigion of all approvers
2) the same problem if one or more approvers wants to reject promotion if it has some problems
3) after rework all approvers will recieve new task, even they already approve promotion
To solve that problems i create new promotion request template
It is more complicated and less scalable process, but it solve all problems that i have previously
This process first of all creates task to a leader who choose a route [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6], at the second time it creates tasks [Task_1] [Task _2] [Task_N].
Approvers can choose approve, reject or rework.
If approver from Task_1 choosed "rework" option - author will recieve "Rework task", all other tasks will be not end. After finishing "Rework task" only approver from Task_1 will recieve new task, other approvers will be able to see new iteration of promotiong objects in the first iteration of their tasks.
If approver from every task will decide that he is not able to promote objects (wrong routing or something else) he choose "reject" option and the leader will be recieve a new task and need to chose another route or decide to reject whole promotion.
The problem is in "question mark point" (?) i don't know what type joint i need.
If i choose "OR" type - the proces will be end if one approver check "approve"
If i choose "AND" type - the process will be wait a signal from all tasks, even if the task_4 or task_3 for example not routed
If i choose "TRESHOLD" - i need to create some parameter that will be increment from "Choose a route" task and place it to threshhold for compare
I need to create some relation beetwin routing decigion on the first task and compare at join point.
For example
1) If i choose route [1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6]
2) All approvers select approve
3) Join type is "AND"
promotion process will be finish and objects will be promote to the next lifecycle state
1) If i choose route [1],[2],[3],[4]
2) All approvers (1, 2, 3, 4) select approve
3) Join type is "AND"
promotion process will be not finish and it will be wait signal from task_5, task_6
1) If i choose route [1],[2],[3],[4]
2) Approver from 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 select approve
3) Join type is "OR"
4) Other tasks will be end
promotion process will be finish and objects will be promote to the next lifecycle state.