I did a test to see if I can open a previous version of an assembly to see what versions of the parts in that assembly get pulled from Windchill. I created a new assy with 2 new parts and checked them in (all 3 at a -.1 (dash) state). I then revised the assembly so all both parts and the assembly went to an A.1 state. I checked out the 2 parts, made a small change to each and checked them back in as an A.2 state. So, the assy is at A.1 and both parts are at A.2.
When I try to open the previous assembly at the -.1 state, it opens the -.1 state of the assembly but with the A.2 revision of the parts. Is there a way to link it where when I open the -.1 state of the assy, it also opens the -.1 state of the parts, not the A revision?? I am unable to go in an set the release state so everything is currently in the Design state. I don't know if that has anything to do with it. If I was able to lock the release state of the initial assy and parts as Released, would that solve the problem??