This is what I am thinking how to handle………you have a CAD model generic hose that is not used in assemblies, but maybe a drawing, it at revision G, it is associated to wtpart which is at rev G – link association is “owner”.
Then all other hoses with same number_hose1, hose2, etc are linked to wtpart as association “image”. From my testing, this allows any user to associate the new created hose to the wtpart as association “image”, does not matter if wtpart owner is at released status. The wtpart is not added nor checked out to the workspace.
I am thinking all the new hoses revision does not matter and they need to be in “in-work” state. The reason for them to be in “in-work” status, if that assembly comes up for revision and the hose end connection is moved, we don’t want to revise that hose when it is still the same hose, but configured different.
Am I on right track or missing something?