While developing workflows we are running into an issue where the workflow fails to clear a step. The step shows executed, but when we look into the actual step we find a null-pointer error. In Checking the method server we find the following error:
2015-06-24 09:15:25,386 INFO [ajp-bio-8010-exec-4] wt.system.err Tech - wt.util.WTRuntimeException: Cannot restore "wt.workflow.robots.WfExpressionRobot.103962692" because it no longer exists. Nested exception is:
2015-06-24 09:15:25,386 INFO [ajp-bio-8010-exec-4] wt.system.err Tech - (wt.fc.fcResource/32) wt.fc.ObjectNoLongerExistsException: Cannot restore "wt.workflow.robots.WfExpressionRobot.103962692" because it no longer exists.
We cannot figure out why it would be throwing this error, we have checked all the code in the workflow and it is working. We can get it to run on our development server but when we move to production the workflow fails. The expression robots clearly exist in the workflow, could this be a server communication issue?