Does anyone know of a document showing the overall process to capture a business process in Windchill? I think I am picking up all the separate pieces, but am not entirely sure how they fit together in the puzzle yet....
Anyone have a good example they can share?
If not, I was thinking of a somewhat generic process like requesting a quote:
- Engineer creates a purchasing quote request, and sends to Purchasing dept.
- Purchasing sends RFQ to vendor(s)
- Vendor(s) sends quote to Purchasing
- Purchasing loads quote(s) into Windchill.
- Engineer is notified.
The Windchill Pieces I know about:
- WTDoc type for quote.
- OIR to use the WTDoc type
- Document lifecycle template (Maybe a generic one for many WTDoc types, maybe a specific one for this type.)
- Workflow Template
- Lifecycle template for the workflow
What am I missing?