Hi All,
While using Windchill, some users use "Save As" functionality to create new versions instead of using Revise Functionality.
Due to this their is conflict on versions.
Here is scenario in attached image,
CAR-A is part master which CAR-A has iterations, while Revision it they used Save AS functionality and Renamed CAR-A to CAR-B as a different partmaster, again they iterate CAR-B,
now users want to bring all iterations and Versions of CAR-A and CAR-B(i.e. creates as SAVE AS function on CAR-A) under single PartMaster i.e. CAR-A.
so it wold be like as,
CAR-A 1.1
CAR-B 1.1
Is any Approach, feasibility, sample Code etc any thing will be greatly Appreciated.