I am getting this error while publishing a document by using docbatch.bat command. Can anyone help me to rectify this issue.
“Error message from the primary converter:
ALC-PDG-060-001-Microsoft Word could not set the "ShowRevisionsAndComments" property. This could happen if the submitted document is protected. Error message from the fallback converter:
ALC-PDG-011-030-Submitted OpenOffice Document could not be converted to PDF. Either OpenOffice is not installed on this system or environment variable OpenOffic e_PATH is not set to correct path. Please set OpenOffice_PATH environment variable to the <OpenOffice_Installation_Dir> on the server (e.g C:\Program File s (x86)\OpenOffice.org 3.0) and then restart the server.; nested exception is:
ALC-PDG-60001-000: com.adobe.livecycle.generatepdf.client.ConversionException:”