Hello all Windchill users.
Have a question about batch print PDF from PTC places.
Current state:
- PDF stored in PTC places (see folder structure below)
- in this state we can individualy open each PDF and print it
- together 250+ PDFs need to be printed
Idea 01:
- copy all PDF to local disk and print it with usualy way ---> too much work ---> time loosing way
Idea 02:
- print PDFs directly from PTCplaces ---> batch print isn´t allowed .
Professional way:
Could you give me some tip how to do it effectively? What is the professional way?
WCH/PTC Places config options:
- are there any options in conjunction to batch print, that l should know?
- PDFs are different sizes (A4, A3, A2 papers)
Thx for any tip or link
Best regards