I’m working on a page scraping routine to go into Windchill after information not programmatically available by more straightforward means (like task URLs). This is implemented in VBA and browsing through IE11 -- I can give more details on exactly how if needed, but I don’t think it really impacts my question -- the long story short is that it’s all been more or less straightforward, with the exception of programmatically interacting with Windchill’s checkboxes, because I can’t find them!
All of the buttons, textboxes, and other input objects on a typical page in Windchill seem to be accessible as expected and are visible in the page’s document.innerHTML source, but not the checkboxes -- they don’t seem to be in, or associated with, the <DIV>s in which they appear, or impacted by any other input objects I can dig out of the innerHTML and programmatically click, set checked = true, etc.
All my program needs to do is uncheck the checkbox for one workflow and check the checkbox for a different workflow so that the right process history table will load onto a record. Can anyone offer any insight on where the checkboxes actually are in the page code, what they’re called, what generates them, what reacts to them being checked or unchecked, etc.? This has been like trying to solve a puzzle I can’t find in the first place -- I don’t need a complete solution, I (hope I) just need someone to show me where it is.