I am working to fix some data integrity issues we have after migrating from Agile to Windchill.
I need to change the Revisions for some iterations, but I cannot use the ChangeRevisionLabelUtility.
I was able to update on the "WTPart" table the "versionIdA2versionInfo", "versionSortIdA2versionInfo", "iterationIdA2iterationInfo" columns, on the "ControlBranch" table the
"versionId" column.
This works fine, the RevisionLabelCleanser shows no issues, however I have the "Revise" action available only on the version 3X.2 (was D.2 before the SQL change).
This means that something is wrong on my query.
This is what I know so far.
ControlBranch CB, WTPart P, WTPartMaster M:
For example, this is what I used to change the version from D.2 to 3X.2:
update ControlBranch set versionId='A', idA3C5='720510629' where idA2A2 in (select CB.idA2A2 from WTPart P, WTPartMaster M, ControlBranch CB where CB.idA3B5=M.idA2A2 and CB.idA3C5='0' and P.idA3masterReference=M.idA2A2 and P.versionIdA2versionInfo='D' and P.iterationIdA2iterationInfo='2' and M.WTPartNumber='SSG95512')
update WTPart set versionIdA2versionInfo='3X', versionSortIdA2versionInfo='0000023', iterationIdA2iterationInfo='2' where idA2A2 in (select P.idA2A2 from WTPart P, WTPartMaster M where P.idA3masterReference=M.idA2A2 and P.versionIdA2versionInfo='D' and P.iterationIdA2iterationInfo='2' and M.WTPartNumber='SSG95512');
What am I missing here?