Does somebody know what the link in SQL is between a 2D drawing and a WTPart? I can't find it.
I tried this:
select epmdocumentmaster.documentnumber, wtpartnumber from epmbuildrule,wtpart,wtpartmaster,epmdocument,epmdocumentmaster where epmdocument.branchiditerationinfo = epmbuildrule.branchida3a5 and epmdocument.latestiterationinfo='1' and epmdocumentmaster.ida3a6 = epmdocument.ida3masterreference and wtpart.branchiditerationinfo = epmbuildrule.branchida3b5 and wtpart.latestiterationinfo='1' and wtpartmaster.ida2a2 = wtpart.ida3masterreference and wtpartmaster.wtpartnumber='7033571';
With this I get an empty result, so something is wrong.
Thanks in advance