I am able to burst a document and its images into ACM, creating the correct folder structure based on the xml. But when i check out a piece of that content and add an image, then check it back in, i am unable to get the root node of that content. The Root node contains the values i need to the folder structure, thus the image is being saved in a default place - 'No MetaData'. Here is the image path code form the burst config.
<locnhook sourcetype="graphic" type="acl"><![CDATA[function ln_burst::generate_graphic_path(oid)
local tagname = oid_name(oid);
local folder_name;
local arr[1];
local doc = oid_doc(oid);
# All elements get stored in the Library
folder_name = '/Libraries/Commentaries Work-Academic';
# get the publication title
# EX: Fundamentals of Financial Planning
if(defined($main::BURSTINFO[$doc.'.pub_folder'])) { folder_name = $main::BURSTINFO[$doc.'.pub_folder']; }
# the publication title is needed for folder name
local publication_name;
local publication_subject;
if(defined($main::BURSTINFO[$doc.'.publication_name'])) {
publication_name = $main::BURSTINFO[$doc.'.publication_name'];
publication_subject = $main::BURSTINFO[$doc.'.publication_subject'];
else {
if(oid_attr(oid, "dc.title")){
publication_name = oid_attr(oid, "dc.title");
publication_subject = oid_attr(oid, "dc.subject");
publication_name = 'No MetaData';
# store in global array
if(!defined($main::BURSTINFO[$doc.'.publication_name'])) {
$main::BURSTINFO[$doc.'.publication_name'] = $publication_name;
$main::BURSTINFO[$doc.'.publication_subject'] = $publication_subject;
folder_name .= '/' . $publication_subject;
# use first letter of name for alpha index folder
if($publication_name = "No MetaData"){
folder_name .= '/NM';
folder_name .= '/' .substr($publication_name, 1, 1);
# append the publication title
folder_name .= '/' . $publication_name . '/';
# level, index and toc folders are done, else...
# assign folder for element
# Images
folder_name .= 'Images';
#local fid=open('D:\Source\XML\BurstDevLog.txt', "a+");
#put( fid, "folder name: $folder_name" );
#put( fid, "\n " . time_date() . "\n" );
if(index(folder_name, '&')) {
gsub('\“', '"', $folder_name);
gsub('\”', '"', $folder_name);
gsub('\’', "'", $folder_name);
gsub('\‘', "'", $folder_name);
gsub('\&', "and", $folder_name);
# store in global array
if(!defined($main::BURSTINFO[$doc.'.pub_folder'])) {$main::BURSTINFO[$doc.'.pub_folder'] = folder_name;}
return folder_name;