Calling all Windchill experts:
Can you help me out with this issue that has been irking me for a while:
In our current system, when making a new model, the CAD users are used to rigorously filling out the Name (as per company numbering scheme) but they leave the "Common Name" blank:
So then the hidden model parameter PTC_COMMON_NAME takes on the value of filename, that is, "Name" in the above dialog box.
Then upon saving to workspace, the Windchill "Name" of the object takes on the value of PTC_COMMON_NAME and so becomes the same as filename. When object is uploaded to the server, our Windchill auto-assigns it the number that is the same as the filename. So now, when browsing our database, I often end up looking at tables that have 2 or 3 columns filled with the same information: File Name = 995-13004.prt; Number = 995-13004.PRT; Name = 995-13004.prt.
Ok, so in our drawing title blocks and BOM tables, the "Part Name" field displays the value of the model parameter PART_NAME.
Well, I thought I would be clever and add the relation PART_NAME = PTC_COMMON_NAME to our start part. Well, many engineers don't like it, and I think they have a good reason. They are used to deciding what the part is called when the drawing is being completed; at that time, the value of the PART_NAME model parameter can be conveniently changed by double-clicking on the table cell. With that model relation in place, double-clicking on the drawing's table cell now produces the message "User parameter PART_NAME in 995-13004 is driven by relation PART_NAME=PTC_COMMON_NAME". So now, what used to take them a couple of seconds turns into a minute-or-two ordeal (you have to go to Windchill, rename the object, refresh the workspace, regenerate the model and the drawing). I can see it can be a real pain IF you didn't plan ahead...
Anyway, I don't really want to change their workflow, but I was wondering if there is a way for the Windchill object's Name to be changed/updated upon check-in? (specifically, is there a way that the object's Name is made equal to a designated parameter PART_NAME)?