Hi I am getting an error while running the command
ildataLoader Mapping
to get the menu required for downloading and doing the other necessary steps for migration of data.
The error which i am getting is as follows:
C:\ptc\ILMigration\bin>ildataloader.bat Mapping
20/08/2013 14:45:19 INFO util.JMXRegistry - MBean: Logger registered successfully.
20/08/2013 14:45:19 INFO bin.ILDataloader - Verifying Migrator BuildCode ....
20/08/2013 14:45:23 INFO connection.ILConnection - Oracle optimizer_mode successfully set to 'choose'
20/08/2013 14:45:23 ERROR util.MigUtils -
com.ptc.migration.util.MigrationException: Failed to retrieve MigrationSite with domainId:4163182493232253876 Cannot load mapping data.
Nested exception is: com.ptc.migration.util.MigrationException: Intralink does not have fileserver
i am able to connect to the database on the intralink side and also tnsping to them.
Can anyone please suggest as to why i am getting the problem?