Family Tables are a headache with Windchill. One many of many issues is it's very easy for Creo users to remove Instances from Family Table by simply hitting Delete Row inside of Creo but this can create undesirable scenarios if the objects are already in Windchill. Since the Deleted Instance is now longer attached to the latest Generic model, if a previous Assembly in Windchill used the Deleted Instance, you are unable to update to the latest Generic rev in a workspace. You're stuck with out of date objects in your workspace. However Creo lets you delete instances without telling you that could be bad for Windchill. Our 'standard' has been to tell users not to delete instances from Family Tables once they're in Windchill and simply filter the undesirable instances off the drawing. New users have a habit of finding out the hard way that they shouldn't delete instances. I was curious what other people do... Not worry about it? Found a way to prevent users from deleting instances from Creo? Found any easy fix to get the Creo/Windchill instances associated back together with the generic?