One of my designers tried to rename a family table instance in windchill. Instead of it being renamed he managed to create a instance and remove the old instance from the family table. The problem is that now when you try to import items into a works space that use the instance he wanted to rename you get an error.
Below is an image representing the family table structure for version A.3 and A.4 of the family table.
Part 2 should have been renamed Part 3, but instead Part 2 was removed from the table and Part 3 created. What I want to do is delete the latest version of the family table and revert back to the previous version. Windchill won't let me do this because the new instances is the "the only remaining iteration for revision". I know its the only iteration and I want it gone, but I don't know how I can remove this from Windchill.
Can some please help?