Hi All
Trying to add a custom action to right-click menu in Part Structure Builder (PSB)
<action name="customActionGWT" type="psb"/>
in psb-actionmodels.xml
<action name="customActionGWT" ajax="component">
<command class="com.ptc.cat.ui.client.action.LaunchURLAction" method="execute" url="/ptc1/psb/customAction" windowType="popup"/>
<type value="wt.part.WTPart"/>
<type value="wt.part.WTPartUsageLink"/>
<type value="wt.part.PartUsesOccurrence"/>
<type value="wt.part.RTPartPathOccurrence"/>
in psb-actions.xml
The menu item appears.
When i change command:
<command class="com.ptc.cat.ui.client.action.LaunchURLAction" method="execute" url="/ptc1/psb/customAction" windowType="popup"/>
to :
<command class="com.myCompany.MySimpleAction"/>
menu item disappears.
MySimpleAction class looks like this:
package com.myCompany;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.AsyncCallback;
import com.ptc.cat.ops.client.OperationResult;
import com.ptc.cat.ui.client.action.AbstractAction;
import com.ptc.cat.ui.client.action.ActionDefinition;
public class MySimpleAction extends AbstractAction {
public MySimpleAction(ActionDefinition ad) {
public void run(AsyncCallback<OperationResult> ac) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
Tried adding my class through adding JAR to WC/lib
and .java to WC/src and building
It is Windchill 10.2 M030
no .xconfs and .properties added or modified
jcaDebug somehow doesn't work for PSB tree menus
Does anybody know how to add a custom action class properly?
Thanks in advance!