Is there a way to automatically attach a pre-existing local file as secondary content to a checked-out ProENGINEER or CREO 2 CADDocument from within the native environment such that a subsequent checkin would have this file as an attachment
I know that this capability exists within the 3rd-Party WorkGroup Manager by specifying 2 preferences but I cannot see that there is anything similar for Pro/E or Creo
I know that you can use the Save a Copy capability but this doesn't really suit my need as I want to be able to attach a pre-existing file e.g the PROE model in another native CAD format such as UG-NX .prt or CATIAV5 CATPart and Save a Copy doesn't give me this option, only some neutral output file types.
Is there something in the Save a Copy process flow to spoof the content created in this way and substitute my required content ?
Is there something a could do with J-Link to "enhance" the Save a Copy capability ?
Many thanks for any help or insight you can provide