I am testing Addcolumns utility for add HardType Property(column) to wt.part.WTPart.
1) AddColumns-a wt.part.WTPart String=1 –stringSize
or AddColumns-a wt.part.WTPart String=1
2) Server start > site menu > Utility > Type and Property > add Property
3) AddColumns-repair wt.part.WTPart
4) AddColumns-r wt.part.WTPart
result =>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
wt.part.WTPart: Database columns are matched with codebase columns.
Database columns: String=2, Long=0, Double=0, Boolean=0, Timestamp=0, ObjectRef
erence=0, VersionReference=0, InlineBLOB=0
Codebase columns: String=2, Long=0, Double=0, Boolean=0, Timestamp=0, ObjectRef
erence=0, VersionReference=0, InlineBLOB=0
Allocated columns: [typeInfoWTPart.ptc_str_1, typeInfoWTPart.ptc_str_2]
Source file: D:\ptc\TK_Windchill_10.2\Windchill\temp\src\wt\part\WTPartTypeInfo
.java exists.
Source file columns: String=2, Long=0, Double=0, Boolean=0, Timestamp=0, Object
Reference=0, VersionReference=0, InlineBLOB=0
Database string column size: 4000
Codebase string column size: 4000
I want to Column Size more small => typeInfoWTPart.ptc_str_1 : 300byte and typeInfoWTPart.ptc_str_2 : 500byte
- How to reconfiure string column size both Codebase and Database when I command "AddColumns-r wt.part.WTPart" ?