"Archive Purged Objects" checkbox
I am running Windchill 10.1 M040 and when I create a Purge Job, the window flashes with the "Archive Purged Objects" checkbox checked, then goes away? I do not want to archive these purged files but I...
View ArticleI need a query builder report with Folder Names vs Domain Names, while folder...
I will attach what I have so far in a few minutes but the list is definitely not long enough.
View ArticleWhen you are checking in a drawing and it is giving you an error that says...
Hello To All,When you are checking in a drawing and it is giving you an error that says drawing if not unique?Thanks Billy
View ArticleMerging Two Assembly in Windchill
I have two similar subassembly in the windchill with two different name. This two subassembly used in two different projects. how I can merge it has one subassembly and to be used in two places.
View ArticleProduct Configurator using OOTB WT
e.g. Blocks with Mounts:Depending on the size of a block, the mounts must be fixed with different number of screws and different types of mounts.The number of screws and Mount Type are calculated on...
View ArticleDoes anyone have the guide that explains how to create new standard or...
Does anyone have the guide that explains how to create new standard or regulation in WPA?
View ArticleAcademic Windchill Server Down
Hello, Yesterday, the academic Windchill server that my team uses went down. If I'm not mistaken, this is because PTC is upgrading the server to Windchill 11. Does anyone know how much longer the...
View ArticleNo CAD data with an owner link when performing new manufacturing process...
I would link to perform "new manufacturing process context" from MPMLink like follow image but I saw error that design context was not created because no CAD data with owner link was found. So does...
View Articlehow to replace the Windchill file with local drive file
Windchill there is already the drawing with lower revision and now I have a drawing latest with revision in local drive how I can replace tat.
I have replaced the sub-assembly with new sub-assembly and the old sub-assembly is no more required. This old sub-assembly and its parts are only used in that particular assembly and no where its used....
View ArticleEnabling CORS in FlexPLM-11 for Rest API's("Access-Control-Allow-Origin"...
Hi, I am trying to invoke web services within FlexPLM-11 from an external application which is deployed in external tomcat(Version-7).While accessing REST API, I am getting the below error"Response to...
View Articlei have written a validator to check the duplicacy in the multi value...
Since "create" action default validator is DefaultUIComponentValidator. i created a validator extending it.For "checkoutandEdit" action default validator is CheckoutAndEditValidator. i created another...
View ArticleWQS 10.2 FRACAS: Calculations for Subtable evaluation
I´d like to evaluate the responsible for the next action in a subtable with several records and transfer this person to the problem table as "next action responsible".Criteria: Task in subtable not...
View ArticleFTA calculation display on the diagram and 10^-6 being added to gate results.
I am trying to use an existing FTA from a supplier and model it further for a client; however, when I import the data provided in excel the results are not matching the report generated by them....
View ArticleUnable to run xconfmanager ??
I tried to configure my windchill server for Email. but while try to run the xconfmanager i am getting the below errors, ERROR [main] com.ptc.windchill.structconf.StructConfManager - Unexpected error...
View Articlei am not able to checkout cad part
i am not able to checkout cad part, as i was doing earlier. All drawings & parts are in inwork state & it shows user don't have necessary permission what must be the reason?
View Articleintralink3.4 versus PDM Essentials
sorry for my bad EnglishIn the transition between INTRALINK 3.4 and pdmessentials I find difficulty.It lacks the duplicate filefunctioninthe workspace.How do Ireactivate it?Save as is not the same...
View Articlepdm Essentials -I want to change a part in an assembly with an existing in...
problemI want to changea partin an assembly withan existinginCommonspacein the workspace with INTRALINK 3.4 command duplicates, I create new assembly and then I duplicate the particular (with true...
View ArticlePBO Attribute captured in a workflow
Looking for assistance with code that will grab a custom attribute value created using T&AM and write it to a variable in a workflow...Then using a custom email template I'll be able to display...
View ArticleHow do you save .3dm files to FlexPLM?
Hi All - We'd like to store all product development documents in FlexPLM. To do that we need to be able to store the .3dm files generated by Rhino. As anyone figured out a way to do this? Or, know...
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