Hi Everyone,
We changed the name of our SMTP server recently and now we are not receiving email notifications in 10.2 Windchill.
To resolve this, I tried changing the mailhost in site.xconf to the current SMTP hostname using xconfmanager with the following command:
F:\ptc\Windchill\bin>xconfmanager -s wt.mail.mailhost="SVR-MXS-002" -t mail.properties -p
But I get an access denied error:
Default product root=F:\ptc\Windchill\bin\..
java -jar "F:\ptc\Windchill\bin\..\codebase\WEB-INF\lib\install.jar" -r "F:\ptc\
Windchill\bin\.." -s wt.mail.mailhost=SVR-MXS-002 -t mail.properties -p
java.io.FileNotFoundException: F:\ptc\Windchill\site.xconf (Access is denied)
2017-06-22 12:39:21,634 ERROR [main] com.ptc.windchill.structconf.StructConfMana
ger - Unexpected error (stack trace below):
com.ptc.windchill.structconf.StructConfManagerException: Error saving updated F:\ptc\Windchill\site.xconf settings.
Any help would be appreciated.